
Yum Repositories

These repositories are maintained on an "as time permits" basis. I have recently tested the yum install on FC5 and FC6 which were up to date as of July 12, 2007. They install into /usr/local, which is what you should use with alphamail_genconfig when it asks for the installation prefix.

Note, genconfig will complain about a missing module or two. They are only needed for optional features (quota and spam control). You should be able to get the primary system up without them.

IMPORTANT:Unfortunately, I have not yet written an SELinux policy. You must run in permissive mode for AlphaMail to start (System->Administration->Security Level and Firewall).

Please report problems to SourceForge Tracker.

These configs can also be downloaded from the download page for AlphaMail.

The Fedora Core 4, 5, and 6 repositories need the following YUM repository config (put in a file named /etc/yum.repo.d/alphamail.repo):

   name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Alphamail

These RPMs are signed, so you can import the key and change gpgcheck to 1. Get my key from the public key servers (as (Code signing key)). The file RPM-GPG-KEY.alphamail is a copy of that key, but if the RPMs are compromised on this server, you can't trust this key file either.

If you are feeling like taking chances, then you can do the following:

   rpm --import

You must have Fedora Extras enabled for these to work (default on FC5 and above, but must be added to FC4)

Fedora Extras (must add to FC4)

I don't have a clean FC4 system, and no time to re-check that deps are all satisfied with just this. You may need additional external repositories like At this point, FC5/6 are probably a better bet.

   name=Fedora Extras - $releasever - $basearch